Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Something you don't see every day...

Along the lines of things Owen & Asher won't know what they are, pay phones. Today after lunch with a friend, I was walking to my car (Wisconsin & Macomb), and there like some monument to the past were not one but two pay phones. I can't remember the last time I've saw a pay phone on the street. Had to take a picture of it with my iPhone.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My iPhone is dead...Long live my iPhone

So I got a new phone Friday. Its a new iPhone, I'm never giving up that phone despite the crappy AT&T coverage (I'm thinking of getting this device to boost the signal in my house which ranges from fine upstairs to intermittent in the dining room to no signal in the kitchen or living room).

I had to give the Genius a tough line to get them to replace my phone, it seems even the geniuses are not up to speed on the iPhones, I seemed to know more about the battery issues than the Genius. It took over and hour, but its done.

We'll see if it makes a difference.

A New World.

I saw this report which got me thinking about the fact that my 2 sons, Owen & Asher, will probably never own a TV without a DVR of some kind. They will never know the pain of having to sit through commercials with no recourse.

That and the iPhone got me thinking about convergence. The iPhone is the best and latest example of that trend. In my phone, I can send it mails, watch movies, browse the web even work on documents (though currently that support is limited to web based apps). What's to stop TV makers from putting the tivo right into the TV? How far is it until you have your tv as your computer, phone (via bluetooth or something new), tivo?

It seems the obstacles to that future are more business related than technology related. It would take a company like Apple to make it happen.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

iPhone Battery


I've tried restoring, I've tried turning it off while I charge it. But my battery on the beloved iphone does not seem to be holding up well at all. With very little use its down to like 25%, I feel like I have to conserve power or charge it throughout the day.

Now, I can understand if I was using it constantly, but it seems to happen regardless of how much I use it. So tomorrow I have an appointment with the Geniuses at the Apple Store to see about returning it. BTW, if you ever have to see the Apple Geniuses, you can make a reservation, which I would really recommend.

Anyway, I'll let you know how it turns out.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Asher's official measurements

Asher O'Connell-Strasberg
July 12, 2007

Height: 28"
Weight: 16lbs 14 oz
Head: 17 1/8"

Still Loving the iPhone, but AT&T...

I still love my iPhone, everyday I'm more impressed with the simplicity and elegance of the interface. I'm curious to see what other cell companies start coming out with to compete with Apple. I doubt it'll be as nice, but it'll be interesting.

To AT&T, argh! Why couldn't Apple and Verizon figured things out? Oh why or why? AT&T's signal is so spotty, it seems to come and go for no apparent reason. Do I ever think of switching back to Verizon? Not really, the phone is too cool to give up, so I'll live with the hope that AT&T starts pouring money back into their network.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Eaglefiler: The Answer to my filing needs?

Trying out Eaglefiler
a Yojimbo, ChronosNotes like software program. I have to say I'm kinda liking it, and for $40 is not really expensive. It has a Mac Mail interface, and stores your files as real files on your hard drive instead of some proprietary index file, one result of that is that it can take any file type you throw at it.

I was always disappointed with Yojimbo because my word files became RTF and lost formating. I just wish I had seen this program before I had upgraded Curio.

Is there room in my life for 2 filing cabinet software packages?

Doctor PS

The doctor took a look at Owen's foot which was eaten by an escalator in case you missed the breaking news.

Everything looked great and the foot is healing nicely.

Asher's Doctor Visit

Its been 6 months..., well, slightly more than that since Asher O'Connell-Strasberg was born. Hard to believe. Took him to the Doctor today for his six month visit. I wasn't sure how long it was going to take, they've had some turnover there, and we've had to wait for a scheduled appointment as long as 2 hours!

Today it was easy as pie. Walked in, waited 5 minutes to go back to the exam room, 5 minutes in there till the doctor came. Took Asher's measurements -- 50%th percentile for weight and head circumferences, 90%th for height, which tracks about where he's been all along. He got 3 shots, and he'll need a fourth that they didn't have at his 9 month appointment.

Ash was great, and amazed both Doctor and patient alike with his crawling ability and general feistiness. We were in the car heading home in a little over an hour total.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

iPhone as Bait....

I went to Pentagon City Mall today in the middle of a driving rain storm. I don't know if it was the rain or lunch time or some combination of both but the Apple Store was packed, I mean as packed as I've seen it, and I would guess 90% of the people were looking at the iPhone.

That got me wondering, how many of those people were Windows users? How many of the people who bought iPhones over the past 2 weeks were Windows users? Will those users become mac users in time? My guess is that's the point, get them in the store, sell them a nice phone, in a store with a pretty design, give them good customer service, and then down the road when it comes time to buy a new computer they find themselves inside the very same Apple Store.

All hail Steve Jobs.

My Geek Wife.

I think Nora may love the iphone more than I do. Really, I do.

It reminds me of what I heard on some podcast (Apple Iphone podcast maybe): They said the iphone is designed for iMovie used not Final Cut users. I can see the faults -- no 3G network, no flash, no landscape mode for all apps, she sees the pretty design, the ease of use, and the youtube video of a dog with a lightsaber.

Ain't love grand.

The Perfect Bag...

Yes, there is a perfect bag out there, and someday I will find it.

Yes, I own an iphone

I wasn't planning getting the iphone, really, I had read about it, and I decided that I would wait till 2.0 came out.

That was until my mother in a moment of pure genius decide that the iphone would make a better birthday gift than a new Ralph Lauren crew neck sweater. Uncertain at first, I decided I couldn't turn down a free iphone.

So here I sit with my iphone at my side. I've had it since Saturday, and let me say this quickly -- it is the BEST PHONE I HAVE EVER OWNED. I was trying to remember my history of cell phones starting with the first one Nora got me back in 1997.

There are a ton of reviews out there that can better sumerize the pro and cons of the phone, but from my perspective it comes down to this:

• Its beautiful
• Ease of Use (setup was as easy as plugging into my computer)
• Great web browser
• Its beautiful

• AT&T cell coverage. My biggest worry is being confirmed. Verizon has crappy phones, but you can make a call from the bottom of the Potomac river and still get 1 bar. AT&T I can't even make a call from the bottom floor of my house (though the second floor is fine).

5 Days in would I go back to Verizon -- not if i means using my clunky Treo again. Call me shallow, but I want a pretty phone.

Welcome to Geekville

Welcome to Geekville. I am a self proclaimed Geek, I love gadgets and good design, I have a weak spot for bags (yes bags), I play D&D, and I own multiple fantasy baseball teams.

This is my first attempt at a personal blog, in the coming days and months, I plan to write about whatever I want (its my blog why not), hopefully, you'll find some of it interesting and keep coming back.


You're now leaving Geekville.