Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Yes, I own an iphone

I wasn't planning getting the iphone, really, I had read about it, and I decided that I would wait till 2.0 came out.

That was until my mother in a moment of pure genius decide that the iphone would make a better birthday gift than a new Ralph Lauren crew neck sweater. Uncertain at first, I decided I couldn't turn down a free iphone.

So here I sit with my iphone at my side. I've had it since Saturday, and let me say this quickly -- it is the BEST PHONE I HAVE EVER OWNED. I was trying to remember my history of cell phones starting with the first one Nora got me back in 1997.

There are a ton of reviews out there that can better sumerize the pro and cons of the phone, but from my perspective it comes down to this:

• Its beautiful
• Ease of Use (setup was as easy as plugging into my computer)
• Great web browser
• Its beautiful

• AT&T cell coverage. My biggest worry is being confirmed. Verizon has crappy phones, but you can make a call from the bottom of the Potomac river and still get 1 bar. AT&T I can't even make a call from the bottom floor of my house (though the second floor is fine).

5 Days in would I go back to Verizon -- not if i means using my clunky Treo again. Call me shallow, but I want a pretty phone.

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