Thursday, July 12, 2007

Asher's Doctor Visit

Its been 6 months..., well, slightly more than that since Asher O'Connell-Strasberg was born. Hard to believe. Took him to the Doctor today for his six month visit. I wasn't sure how long it was going to take, they've had some turnover there, and we've had to wait for a scheduled appointment as long as 2 hours!

Today it was easy as pie. Walked in, waited 5 minutes to go back to the exam room, 5 minutes in there till the doctor came. Took Asher's measurements -- 50%th percentile for weight and head circumferences, 90%th for height, which tracks about where he's been all along. He got 3 shots, and he'll need a fourth that they didn't have at his 9 month appointment.

Ash was great, and amazed both Doctor and patient alike with his crawling ability and general feistiness. We were in the car heading home in a little over an hour total.

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